Friday, February 12, 2010

Preschool Valentines

Thursday myself and another mommy, Lillian's best friend Lily's mommy, went to preschool to help the kids make Secret Kiss Cupcakes in celebration of Valentines Day. Lillian was not very happy with me being there. The kids had to bring valentines for all the kids and they each made a mailbox out of an empty milk jug. 

playing with blocks

stringing bead with Michael and Lily

putting sprinkles on the cupcakes (the only part of the baking process Lillian would participate in)

  finished product Lillian brought home


  making her mailbox with Mrs. Bacchi

Miss Starr

Picking out the line leader for music class

Lillian's Valentine Mailbox

Valentine matching game and cup from her teachers

Valentines from the class