Thursday, June 25, 2009

Monkey Time!

Today's playgroup met at Monk*y Joe's and Lillian actually had fun this time. Lately she will complain of a stomach ache as soon as her shoes are off and will want to to sit in the comfy leather rocker/glider and snack on an apple and then start to play when I say it's time to get ready to leave. But today she jumped right in. Mean mommy did not even bring a snack with us and I remember to bring my socks so I could bounce with her.

Lillian and Lily spent some time making funny faces, holding hands
and kissing on baby Nicholas:

Lillian at home eating lunch (she requested her own little spinach salad and ate all of it!)
while holding baby Nicholas. I told her I would hold her baby while she ate but she said,
"No, I can hold him and eat at the same time!"

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Little Mommy

Today we went to the museum of art for a preschool art program and we met our friends Emily and baby Nicholas there. I think some of the "baby" rubbed off on Lillian as this is what she spent a good 30 minutes doing when we got home:

She took her doll (the doll's name is Dee Dee but today she changed it to Nicholas) for a stroll around the museum (the playroom). While at the museum she determined that Nicholas had a dirty diaper so she changed that. Lillian had all this in the stroller with Nicholas: a teether, a toy flute, an empty box of pretend cookies and a pom pom doll. In her diaper bag she packed a changing pad, a blanket (so the changing pad would not get dirty), a pair of daddy's socks (dirty), a toy doll and a pair of daddy's underwear (clean).

Lillian got a bit exasperated when trying to push the stroller ("Nicholas is so heavy!"), keep her diaper bag from falling off her shoulder, keep her sun hat on (because it was so sunny when we went to the museum) and picking up the stuff as it fell out of the stroller. She would stop and collect herself and sigh and finally she just told me to push the stroller.

She held Nicholas on her lap during our nap story time (even had his teether and shared her apple with him). She crawled in bed and said she was going to sleep with Nicholas because he might get hungry and she could nurse him!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bye Bye Crib

How did we make daddy spend the morning on Father's Day? Converting Lillian's crib into a big girl bed. She seems pleased with the results right now but the real test will come today at nap and bedtime.

Nap went extremely well. She crawled right in and slept for 2 hours. Bedtime was a bit more hectic with lots of getting up but really not much different than before. We did go out to eat dinner so we started the bedtime routine a little later than usual. But once she finally tucked herself in, she slept all night. When I asked her how she slept she said, "I had a party in my bed."

Naptime: (bedroom still in the clean-up stage)


Friday, June 19, 2009

Daddy Did It!

This afternoon I was sweeping the kitchen floor and noticed some ink lines on the floor. I asked Lillian if she had taken a pen and drawn on the floor and she said, "Uh no." I asked her again and she said "Let me take a look." She walks over to where I show her the lines are, bends down to get a closer look and says "Oh. That was just daddy. Daddy did it. Isn't that silly of him!" I am pretty sure that daddy knows not to draw on the floor and Lillian is the one who is constantly drawing on herself with pens, markers, crayons and chalk so my guess is Lillian who did it.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The bride of Marbles

Playgroup met at Marbles today. We had not been in awhile and Lillian enjoyed herself. Until mean ole mommy said it was time to leave and she had a meltdown.

When we arrived she grabbed a baby doll and promptly handed it off to me. I wish I had that much ease in getting babysitters! We did a little crafts and then she hit up the dress up station. Usually she does not play in that area much but today she donned a crown, a back purse and a cape that she called her "bride dress." And she stayed in that costume for the entire time we were there - almost 2 hours.


Craft Time

Lillian and Nicholas

Water Time

The bride is budget conscious and environmentally sound.

The bride in all her glory.




Stage Debut


Peas and Carrots


Lillian was in the mood to be photographed this morning

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Alice Perry Neal Overby - Nana

Lillian with Nana
April 4, 2006

Nana, Joe & Lillian
December 24, 2007

Christmas 2008

We miss you Alice Perry Neal Overby

Have Bed, Will Travel

Lillian just recently made the transition to crib to crib with an always-open escape hatch. It was good timing as it took place a week before we left in vacation where she would be sleeping in a bunk bed. The bunk bed was not as appealing as we hoped. Or maybe it was too appealing.

She wanted to sleep in the top bunk which we flatly said NO. That she could only climb in the top if mommy or daddy was with her. The first night she was wwaaaaaaay over-tired which meant no sleep at all! Lillian refused to sleep in the bunk bed - she wanted to sleep on the floor. So we pulled the matteras off the bottom bunk and put it on the floor. Then she wanted to sleep in just the wooden box. So after 2.5 hours trying to get her to sleep on the matteras, I said finer go sleep in the box. And she did for about 2 hours and then was up and I managed to get her to sleep on the matteras for the (very short) rest of the night.

Nap and bedtime the next night went smooth; she slept on the mattress on the floor.

Three days after we returned home, we found ourselves unexpectedly having to travel overnight again. We bought a twin air mattress for Lillian to sleep on, not fully convinced that she would actually sleep on it. Once it was blown up and sheets put on, she snuggled down on for stories where she discovered it had lumps. She did not like the lumps and said it made her feel funny. But when it was time to go to sleep, she did. She did have one interruption when she came out to show us the squirrel she made in her hair (she and I both twirl our hair into twists and she calls them squirrels). But once she showed everyone her hair-do, I took her back to her "bedroom" and tucked her in and there she stayed all night.

It's so nice to have the option now to spend the night places and not to worry about needing a crib. Look out world, here we come.

Cousins Birthday Party