Thursday, August 30, 2007

Jumpin Beans

We found a really cool inflatable play area this week, Jumpin Beans. Here are a few videos:

These are the stairs that you climb in order to go down the slide but Lilly thought it was more fun to go down the stairs:

Lilly going down the slide:

We pretty much spent the entire outing doing this:


I have been making homemade popsicle for Lilly to eat this summer. Well not really homemade - I take some Yo Baby yogurt and add oat cereal to it and pop it into freezer molds and viola - popsicle. Lilly does not know they are not real popsicles. This is Lilly enjoying her frozen treat - apparently if you eat popsicles with your feet on the table, it makes the popsicle even more tasty!

Monday, August 20, 2007

18 month check-up

Today we had Lilly's 18 month check-up. All went well. And by well I mean she checked out fine considering she flew into a screaming hissy fit the MOMENT the nurse called her back. How the nurse and doctor were able to perform ANY type of exam with Lilly screaming and writhing all over the place, I don't know. Perhaps there is a class in medical school that teachers pediatricians the art of examining a uncontrollable child. This morning I told Lilly we were going to see Dr. Willey and a few minutes later, Lilly was saying "Dr. Willey nice." Apparently Dr. Willey is only nice when we are not actually in the same building with her.

Anyway, today's stats are still in Lilly's comfort circle: 22 lbs., 10 oz (25 %) and 31 1/8" (35%). She is still on her growth curve, just a bit smaller than the rest of the kids her age. The best news about this appointment was that we don't go back until Lilly turns 2 and she got the last of her primary shots. That's good because with the show Lilly put on at shot time, I thought the nurse was going to jab me with the needle. The nurse gave Lilly the shot in her arm this time so all the way home I heard this from the back seat, in between sobs and cries for cereal bar; "arm hurts" and "Band-aid off."

The doctor was impressed with her verbal skills and actually got to hear Lilly speak/cry a couple of sentences - "I know milk" and "I want IPOD."

Here are a few random shots of Lilly:

a flashback to Mommy's high school days with this Guns N Roses onesie

Lilly and Daddy playing- through the secret tunnel and out the play dome:

eating broccoli - she likes to dip it in garlic salad dressing - and asked for more broccoli when she ate all that was on her plate!

naked fun time on the guest room bed

playing nicely with other children at Playspace

Friday, August 10, 2007

It's Potty Time

Today Lilly used the potty for the first time! We were walking back to her room to change her diaper and she stopped in the bathroom, when over to the toilet and said "sit." I asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty and she said "yes." So up she went. She tried to squirm off right away but I had reinforcements - her cup of soymilk from lunch and a bunny rabbit she had been carrying around. We sat and sang songs and then I heard it. I asked her is she went pee pee and she screamed "pee pee!" I started clapping and she was laughing and out came more pee pee. She then took her bunny and said "bunny smell" as she tried to cram it into the toilet. Luckily bunny did not get wet. I heard a few more tinkles and then a tiny plop. She also made a little poop nugget. Once she realized she had pooped, she wanted off the potty. I took her off the potty, she grabbed way too much toilet paper threw it in the potty and flushed. She looked at me and said "mommy clap." So mommy clapped.

Here are the pictures - yes I took pictures of her on the potty. I will spare you the picture of what was inside the toilet.

On a side note - we went to story time at the mall today and when it was over, we read some books on using the potty. One book had a lovely drawing of a toilet with poop in it. I asked Lilly what was in the potty and she said "ice cream." I'm not sure what ice cream she has been eating but it did have that nice swirl effect of an ice cream cone!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Kicking and dancing

The weather has been HOT here the last few days - 103 BEFORE adjusting to for the heat index. So Lilly and I spend most of the days at home - which for me is tough. I usually take Lilly out to a couple of places on a daily basis but with the heat and her willingness to drop into a full out temper tantrum no matter where we go, we stay in the house.

That leaves us with lots of time to goof off. One of Lilly's favorite things to do is to kick. The last few days she has added a whole new twist on kicking as evidenced by this video:

Lilly also likes to dance. Tonight when Joe got home we all went into the bedroom while he changed clothes. Lilly turned on the XM radio and Nelly's Hot in Here was playing (perfect song for the weather today) and Lilly started dancing on the bed:

Weaning during World Breastfeeding Week

August 1 -7, 2007 is World Breastfeeding Week. If I had known about this a week ago, I wouldn't have weaned Lilly until after this week!

Yes Lilly is now weaned at 17 1/2 months. My deadline to stop nursing was 18 months. I have slowly been weaning her since 12 months - first I cut out the two afternoon feeds (she never even missed those) and in the last 2 months cut out the morning feed. She was still getting nursed before bed but even that was getting shorter and shorter. So after we came back from SC, I cut the bedtime nursing down as well. Then last Sunday I decided to stop nursing at night. I knew that Joe and I would be out of town the next weekend and she would have not be able to nurse and I was not about to break out the breast pump just for one night, so why not get the real weaning started.

The first night was great. I spent the whole day telling her she was a big girl and big girls don't get mommy milk at night, they get water. When the time came, she asked for milk and when I said"NO, big girls get water" she took the water and drank it while I sang her a song. Piece of cake. The rest of the week not so easy. She did not like the big girl talk and would cry and throw the cup of water when I offered it to her. Once she was placed in her crib and given her beloved pacifier, she fell asleep pretty easy as always.

We changed up our bedtime routine a bit to help Lilly accept her big girl status. After Lilly was dressed in her pj's, Joe would hold her and read stories and then hand her off to me for nursing and putting in her in the crib. We have changed it so that Joe does not leave the room after he hands her to me. This seems to be working - tonight she did not ask for mommy milk.

I am proud of Lilly and I ( and Joe) for sticking with it for 17 1/2 months and am happy to report that Lilly never bit me (she did chomp down a few times but that was way before she had teeth!) I'm scared the next weaning issue - the pacifier - will not be quite as easy.

The Black Crowes

Joe and I took a little trip to Virgina over the weekend to check out the Black Crowes concert. Lilly stayed home with Granny even though she was sick. I had picked up a cold the weekend before and Lilly caught it and added a fever to it. I think the fever was related to some teething issues though.

This would make our third year in a row seeing the Black Crowes. The concert was mainly so I could stare at Chris Robinson but Joe likes their bluesy rock sounds as well. Our seats were in the fifth row, just left of center. A great view!

Random Lilliness

Just some quick bits of Lilly.

Granny bought Lilly this super cool wagon. She loves to ride around the neighborhood with it. I also found out that it comes in very handy to help with chores - such as taking the recycling bins down to the end of the driveway every week. Lilly also thinks the box is pretty fun. Joe took the box and made some handles on the "doors", cut a window and a secret tunnel for Lilly. She likes to get inside the box and close the "doors" and pop out of the tunnel. When she pops out of the tunnel, she asks for a coupon! Where she came up with that, I have no idea. Her coupons are smiley faces or pictures of her cousins that she likes to carry around with her.

We joined the local children's museum a couple of months ago. Lilly really loves to run around in there. She does seem to have a thing for this red car. It is always the first thing she goes to and is always running back to it. She is learning the concept of sharing with other children but is not always willing to share. The other day a little boy came inside the ambulance she was playing in and she started crying "no share, no share." There was PLENTY of room for the both of them but she wanted that little boy out. Lilly also took a nasty tumble there last week. She had gone into the castle and wanted to walk down the stairs by herself. So I popped open to video camera do catch it on film. She made the first two stairs and then lost her footing and came crashing down five stairs and landed on her back. Of course all of this is on film. She cut her lip and got a bruise on the side of her head. I took her to the bathroom to inspect the damage and clean her up a bit and all she wanted to do after she calmed down and stopped crying was to get back and try to climb the stairs. I thought better of that and we headed back to the red car. She likes to remind me of the incident by saying, "I fall down stairs Playspace, crash."

Lilly has a lot of hair now. Joe likes to say she has a baby mullet but I like to think of it as the Lilly Do. The bangs are starting to go past her eyes, the front and sides are stick straight and the back can be full of curls depending on the day. This day the back looked like she had used a curling iron to turn her hair up:
My attempt at a snork (some people call it the Pebbles) to keep the hair out of her eyes. She would not hold still so this is the best I could do:

Lilly is talking up a storm. She starts as soon as she wakes up and doesn't stop until she goes to sleep. Many times she can be heard saying "Wake up Jeff" - from the Wiggles or "No DeeDee" - talking to her doll, when you first out her down for a nap. She has caught on to the pronoun I and to our amazement, uses it in the correct context. She will say, "I know Wiggles", "I bite tomatoes", "I talked phone"', "I pet Elsie." Probably her favorite subject is the Wiggles with Elsie running a close second. Bossing Mommy and Daddy around is pretty high up there as well. As soon as she see the video camera on, she stops talking so it is hard to let everyone hear her speak.