Monday, July 27, 2009

Canes SummerFest

Friday night the Carolina Hurricanes held their SummerFest. As good loyal Canes fans, we attended. And Miss Lillian did not want to wear her Canes cheerleader outfit - she wanted to wear a "fancy outfit." Apparently jean shorts and a halter top qualify as fancy.

She got to go down the big bouncy slide and had her first time sledding! Lillian also got her picture taken with Rexie (the Rex Hospital mascot), Mr. Wolfpack and Ms. Wolfpack. We missed Stormy that night but we already have some pictures with him.

Tattle Tell

"I was just hiding in the living room because I didn't want you to hear me slurping up the last bits of daddy's soda."

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Lillian is taking a nap for the first time in TWO WEEKS! Best of all she was angry about taking a nap, went to her room, slammed the door and tucked herself in!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Snuggle Buggle

When Lillian got into bed tonight, she asked me to snuggle with her for a minute. Sounds very sweet (and this time of day usually is) however this is how tonight's snuggle went down:

Lillian - all nice and tucked in
Mommy - next to her

Lillian - No mommy, don't snuggle like that. You are too close. Yuck, your breath smells. Did you drink coffee this night? Let me smell it. Eww.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fun with Food

Lillian eating a grape popsicle (Joe thinks she looks a bit scary):

Lillian asked for a teddy bear peanut butter snack so this is what I came up with (her idea to eat the PB off the child-friendly knife):

Friday, July 17, 2009

Put her dressing on the side please

Getting Lillian to wear clothes is quite a challenge these days. She prefers to spend her day naked, or at least bottom naked. Once she has clothes on and she uses the potty by herself, 98% of the time she comes out with no panties and pants/shorts/skirts on.

This morning I managed to get panties on her and she was running around with just that on. I sent her to the potty and she came out naked (as if I did not know that when I sent her in there!) I asked her to go get her panties and next heard her shouting, "Mommy you have to get a picture of this!" And this is what I saw when I walked into the den:

Poor Elsie wearing Lillian's panties. Why Elsie has not learned in almost 3.5 years to spend the day hidden like Cleo and Streak do I do not understand.

Lillian did not like the dress I picked out for her - she said the flowers on the outside of the dress hurt her - so this is what she picked out (star shirt and striped skirt). And we went out running errands and shopping like this.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ryanasorus Lillian

Today we went to the local art museum for their preschool program and it was about dinosaurs. Lillian is all into dinos right now. We got the find a dino egg and help it hatch and then we got to make our own dinosaur. Lillian laid down and I traced her body then she colored it in. She named her creation Ryanasorus Lillian.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A beautiful morning

Today was an absolute gorgeous day so we spent over 2 hours at one of the local parks where Lillian swung, pouted while she ate a snack, rode the carousel 3 times in a row, rode the boats (for the first time) and rode the train. It was so tiring for her, she fell asleep on the way home.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Lucky in love

Today Lillian and I went to visit a local petting farm. There were chickens, goats, emus, rabbits, ducks, geese, dogs, a sheep and a llama. Lillian got to pet a two day-old chick, hold a twelve week-old bunny and feed/pet Lucky.

Lucky is a llama and once Lillian got out into the pasture with him, she was in love. She fed Lucky flowers she picked, stroked his nose, petted his fur and even gave him a hug/kiss. Farmer Mary took us on a little nature walk around the farm and the whole time Lillian kept wondering aloud as to what Lucky was doing. When we got back into the pasture, she went straight for him again. Everyone was commenting on how brave Lillian was to to go up to the llama like that. It was a petting farm - that's kind of the point, to actually pet the animals.

As she was feeding Lucky for the millionth time, Lucky took a nibble of her finger and even that did not scare her away. She said, "Lucky thought my finger was llama food!"

Luckily for mommy and daddy, Lucky would not fit in the car!

square woodpecker holes: