Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Portrait Painter

Lillian is hooked on audio books. Lately she (we) have been listening to the series on the Pix*e Holl*w Fairies. We were listening to one about Bess, a paint talent fairy, and her adventures in painting portraits of all the fairies. Lillian decided to paint my portrait.

So that afternoon I was summoned to the kitchen and was made to sit on a chair and "Sit still Miss Prill" while Lillian painted my portrait. I got admonished for taking pictures of the artist at work.

 You will have to wait for the final picture as it is being framed for a birthday present this week.

Don't ask because I have no answers

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Will work for ice cream

Last month my boss asked Lillian to come into the studio to be photographed for a competition. We bribed Lillian with the promise of ice cream if she behaved. Here are the results. And yes, Lillian got ice cream.

Here chicky chicky

This past Saturday was the annual Henside the Beltline Chicken Coop Tour. The weather was great, if not a bit too hot towards the end of the event. Two chickens ganged up on Joe and pecked off one of the buttons on his shorts.