Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Lillian's play set arrived today. When I told her that she was getting a play set for the yard, she looked at me and with her hands up in the air said, "Where is it? I don't see it!" That was a couple of weeks ago so we were careful not to mention it.

We found this set off of Craigslist and it is only 2 years old. It was the model that we had liked when we went looking at the various play set stores. But the price was about half of what it would cost new and it has an adult swing hammock! Lillian and I had been to the owner's house twice and each time their daughter played on it with Lillian.

The company said they would be at our house around noon after having taken it down at the previous owner's house. They (I should say he - there was only one man) showed up at our house around 9:45 am. I had just gotten dressed and was trying to convince the little nudist we have living with us that she needed to put clothes on if we were going to make it to the 10:15 am Rhyme Time at the library. I showed the man where we wanted it and he and Lillian got to work.

Lillian's work consisted of screaming, "No he NOT put my play set together. NO!" I was able to calm her down by offering her grapes and a chance to sit on the baby potty and watch the Wiggles. And then we broke out some new play dough tools and that kept us occupied until he was done. Oh yeah, we both got sick and had to vomit in the kitchen sink! It appears we ate some bad English muffins for breakfast. That's strange because we ate them yesterday and we were fine.

Anyway when the man was done with the play set (it took about an hour), I asked Lillian if she wanted to go play on it and she bolted from the table and readily held still for me to put her tennis shoes on (there is a pathetic tennis shoe story that will be up soon). I was able to put a sweatshirt over her pajamas as it was a bit cold outside.

Here she is walking towards it:

She discovered the hammock and how to get off the swing by herself:

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Lillian and two of her friends from playgroup, Emily and Lily.

Emily, Lillian and Lily

Monday, April 21, 2008

Overheard at the playground

This is what Lillian was saying at the mall playground Sunday morning:

"I just ask those kids to go to be with their mommies" - apparently Lillian wanted the slide all to herself and did not like waiting

"I will do it by MYSELF!" -
she yelled this at no one in particular for no apparent reason

"I just had operation with my kids" -
we have no idea what that was about

"I want to go home" - but when the time comes to go home, she pitches a fit

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

First Dance Class

This morning Lillian had her first dance class. I was not sure how she would do since she now cries when I take her to KinderMusik and we spend most of our time in the bathroom asking asking for snacks as she pretends to go potty. I was ready for the same experience.

But that didn't happen. We arrived at the dance studio at the same time as the instructor (Miss Gentry) so we were the first ones into the classroom. I think that helped a lot - Lillian gets very shy when around new people in small spaces. This way all the other students had to come into Lillian's class. Another mom from playgroup arranged it so we knew all but one of the girls. When it was time to start class Lillian said, "I want to dance!"

The class started with some ballet moves and stretches. Trying to get Lillian's feet in the "sad" and "happy" positions was quite a trick but she tolerated it. Then we got to run around the room like horses, hop like a bunny and play with a parachute. We even got to run around the room with hula hoops and use them as our treehouses. This part all the girls liked!

After the ballet portion, next came tumbling. My usual shy, stay glued to my hip girl, walked right over to Miss Gentry and let her guide her through the first tumble. They did three different tumbles and each time Lillian was say she wanted to go again and when I would tell her she needed to wait her turn, she actually did.

After that got to walk like crabs, jump like a frog and generally run around the room.
Lilian ran up to get her stamps after class (a ballet crown of each foot and a butterfly on each hand.) All the girls ran around the room squealing and trying to climb up the wall with the help of the ballet bars.

When I asked Lillian if she had a good time she said "No" and the other girls quickly answered the same when they were asked the question by their mommies. Lillian gave Miss Gentry a hug and we went off to the potty.

So it looks like we will be signing up for some more dance classes so everyone get ready to mark your calendars for any and all dance recitals Lillian has!

Monday, April 7, 2008

What's for breakfast - NOT!

I finally got around to sewing the felt food I had made for Lillian (with the sewing machine I got for Christmas.) I made her a fried egg, bacon, bread, lettuce, cheese and ham. I set the food on two plates and placed them on the table. In the morning, Joe told Lillian to go see what I had made her for breakfast. She saw the food and out a piece in her mouth when we told her it wasn't real food; it was for her to use ion her kitchen. Well the felt food went flying and she starting crying. I guess she really wanted the bacon and eggs rather than the oatmeal I was fixing. Perhaps not the best approach to show her fake food when she is hungry for breakfast.

No animals harmed

This is what passes for entertainment for Lillian - her daddy helping her torment one of our cats Elsie. The other two cats know better to stay hidden during daylight hours; they only come out once Lillian is down for the night.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Lillian is usually very sweet and cooperative for photos after she has had a good nap. How she can sleep with all her critters in there I don't know!

Easter Portraits

Lillian's formal Easter pictures: