These are some of Lillian's latest statements.
Putting her to bed this week
I am going to pull your head off and keep it in my bed forever because it is so beautiful mommy. Would you like that?
When I'm sleeping and in case you fall down or get hurt or get a cut on your finger, you just go and get yourself a band-aid OK mommy?
If you get hungry I have an apple for you but only if you get hungry and only eat that apple OK is you get hungry you know.
If you hear the toilet flush while you are napping, it's OK. Don't be scared. You just come find me and I will tell you it is just the potty.
In case you hear a loud crashing noise when I napping, it's just me making lightning or telling stories and stuff. Don't be scared. But if you do get scared, just go to your room for some quiet time and it will be OK.
You are the sweetest mommy of all. You make the best drawings, the best turtles, the best beds, the best eyes and the best pillows.
If a glass breaks of a bowl falls down or if you need help finding Cleo or Streak I will help you. Just come and wake me up and I will help you.
On our way to the pool
What do we do if we get water in our eyes?
What happens if we get hungry at the pool? I will really need a snack if I get hungry while we are at the pool.
It will make your itch feel better OK mommy. (Mommy has a BAD case of poison ivy and the doctor suggested going to the pool.)
I'm not going to poke your itch. I just want to touch them. See that did not hurt silly mommy.