Tuesday was a very day for us. We had to toake Elsie to the vet in the morning. Lillian had a good time playing with the model of cat teeth. We got home with just enough time to give Elsie her medicine and get dressed for gym class. Lillian also helped give Elsie her medicine by dancing around and telling me "Don't force her mouth open Mommy."
After we attened our last class of gym, we had to go to the doctor for mommy. Lillian amused herself with the medical equipment tray. Then we set off to the pharmacy to fill a prescription and we played with the greeting cards and baby stuff aisle. Lillian had to eat her lunch in the car and we finally made it home just in time for a nap.
After nap we headed to the pool where Lillian dog-paddled her way all across the pool for almost 2 hours. We stopped to play in the splashpark before heading home to dinner.
While we were drying off at the pool, Lillian used the potty. No big deal but this time she asked to go into the stall all by herself. I let her and she climbed up on the potty by herself, wiped and flushed. I was restricted to holding the door closed. She wanted to lock the stall door but I would not her. What a big girl she is becoming.