Thursday, June 18, 2009

The bride of Marbles

Playgroup met at Marbles today. We had not been in awhile and Lillian enjoyed herself. Until mean ole mommy said it was time to leave and she had a meltdown.

When we arrived she grabbed a baby doll and promptly handed it off to me. I wish I had that much ease in getting babysitters! We did a little crafts and then she hit up the dress up station. Usually she does not play in that area much but today she donned a crown, a back purse and a cape that she called her "bride dress." And she stayed in that costume for the entire time we were there - almost 2 hours.


Craft Time

Lillian and Nicholas

Water Time

The bride is budget conscious and environmentally sound.

The bride in all her glory.




Stage Debut


Peas and Carrots