Tuesday, April 7, 2009

To nap or not to nap that is the question

in Lillian's world lately. This is what happened on Monday when she was taking a nap:

Today she informed me that she was not going to take a nap and I said fine but you need to have quiet time in your room. After several attempts to escape her room, we ended up on the potty (AGAIN) and she said she wanted a book. So I let her pick out a book and told her to crawl in bed and read. She said that she was not going to get in bed and she was not going to sleep. But she did crawl in bed and I left her to it. It was very quiet so I assumed that she was just being crafty about the mess she was up to so I went in and peeked on her and this is what I found:

A SLEEPING BABY! Sorry the picture is blurry - I turned the flash off as not to wake her. And yes she still sleeps in a crib - she opens the crib door when she wants to get out and opens up her bedroom door so it is almost like a big girl bed.

Daddy had hockey tickets so Lillian and I had a picnic dinner in the living, with all her food choices: strawberries, carrots, peanut butter, pretzels, kiwi, crackers, cashews and strawberry fizzy water. Of course she ate about two bites before dancing around the room but it was a good time. Bath was easy (including washing of the hair) and so was pajama time and the brushing of the teeth.