The Good:
Lillian went to her second dentist appointment. We had a few tears shed this time - only because she knew what to expect. She does not like the scraper tool and was not shy about letting the hygienist and dentist know that. But all in all she was good. Much better than some much older children there. Lillian had her first set of X-Rays taken and all her adult teeth seem to be in order.
Easter came and went. No big pictures this year but Lillian did voluntarily go up to the Easter Bunny at the mall for a picture. She has always been a bit wary of those things but once she sat on the bunny's lap, I knew I had to fork over the $20 to document it. Lillian got to hunt for eggs in the house and received Max and Ruby stuffed animals and a book. Yes we do not give her candy for Easter.
The Not So Good:
Lillian fell off her play set and busted her lip. One second she is swinging and the next she is flat on the ground screaming. When I pick her up, blood is coming out of her mouth and nose. I start to clean her up to try and check out the damage, make sure no teeth got knocked out and the whole time she is screaming, "Help me mommy! Will it heal? I want it to heal!" The right side of her face swelled up in an instant and she had huge wounds on the inside of her lip. After a frantic call to Joe and pediatrician, I got her all cleaned up, gave her some M*trin, an ice pack and we went back to read stories before nap. She went down for her nap easy and I think I checked on her at least 5 times in a hour to make sure she was still doing OK. By the time she woke up, the swelling was all but gone. That was Monday and today she only has a bit of a scab left on her nose and some more healing to do inside of her lip.
Because of the fall I had been giving her M*trin before nap and bedtime and yesterday was no different. When she woke up from her nap, she did not want to leave her room. So she stayed in there reading books while I folded some laundry in another room. I would call out every couple minutes to see what she was up to. The last time I called out she said, "I'm just rattling my teething tablets." Now she has not had teething tablets in a very long time but I knew the bottle was still on her dresser in a storage container. So I casually make my way to her room to find that she had dragged her pink stool over to her dresser, is sitting on the dresser with an empty bottle of teething tablets AND an open bottle of M*trin AND a liquid medicine measuring cup FULL of the M*trin. I immediately asked her how many cups she had drank and she said, "three, five." So I got her off the dresser, took the M*trin away, grabbed the empty teething tablet bottle and called the pediatrician. They told me to call the poison control center. All in all Lillian was fine (I think I walked in on her as she was just starting to drink the medicine)' just very mad that I would not give her more M*trin.
Side note - I had been keeping the M*trin on a shelf above the dresser because she was taking it right before bed and was easy for to get at twice a day. Since then, all medicine has been taken out of the closet and is sitting in a box and a bag hidden away in our closet.