Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We all scream for snow cream!

After Lillian's nap we headed out to make a snowman. We had a much easier time getting her dressed to go out this time. And Lillian made sure she put cocoa butter on all of our faces so we would not get chapped apples (I was telling her where to put the cocoa butter on her face and showed her where the apples of her cheeks are.)

But the snow just was not good snowman making snow. So we ran around in the snow and threw snow and snowballs at each other. After a bit Lillian said she wanted to go inside for more snow cream. She had fun in the snow - for a very short time. But I think she really liked the snow because she could make and eat snow cream, take her clothes off several times a day (without anyone telling her to keep them on) and that Daddy stayed home and played with us. If she ever goes skiing, she will be the one sitting in the lodge drinking hot chocolate sitting by the fire while everyone else is outside trying not to break their legs.