We went to the local
children's puppet theatre for New Year's Eve. At one point during the show, the children were asked to be part of the show. We encouraged Lillian to go up on the stage but she did not want to. After she saw several other children go up and get in costumes, the girls were princesses, Lillian decided to go up. Mommy and Daddy were pretty sure as soon as the two puppeteers turned to her to give her a costume she would bolt but she did not. Lillian let them put on her costume, a purple tutu and a pink tiara, and listened to the directions. She did get a little bored after a bit and came off the stage. When the participation part was over, she climbed back on stage and gave the costume back. At the end of the show she even gave Ms. Polly a hug.
The puppet show shares space with the
comedy club that Joe is a part of. The stage she was on was the same one she wanted to dance around at the club's holiday party she attended. She hears Joe and I play practice some of the games and has started to join in. Just tonight she was playing the 185 joke game: 185 [blanks] walk into a bar and the bartender says we can't serve you [blanks] here. And the 185 blanks say [insert punchline}.
We do fear/believe/hope/encourage that she has a fondness for the stage!