Friday, January 30, 2009


I know that all kids are cute and every parent thinks that their child is beautiful, but I REALLY do think Lillian is absolutely gorgeous. And smart. And funny. And sassy. And crafty. And silly. And sweet. And sour. And demanding. And AND SO CUTE it hurts. I can really see how much she looks like Joe - the shape of her face is all Joe. Has been that way since we first really got to see her on the ultrasound.

I wish I had taken pictures of our playgroup meeting this week. It was only Lillian and one other little friend, Lily, at a new bounce around place. I dare say the Lily might be Lillian's best friend. They have known each other since they were about 6 weeks old and I hope they are able to grow up with each other. Both girls wore pink and purple and they were so cute together. They held hands walking from bounce house to bounce house, wrestled around with each other on the floor and just had a good time. Until it was time to leave but that story would spoil the cuteness factor going on right now.

After nap, that is IF Lillian wakes up in a good mood, there is usually at 15 minute or so window where she will pose for the camera. This is today's session.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We all scream for snow cream!

After Lillian's nap we headed out to make a snowman. We had a much easier time getting her dressed to go out this time. And Lillian made sure she put cocoa butter on all of our faces so we would not get chapped apples (I was telling her where to put the cocoa butter on her face and showed her where the apples of her cheeks are.)

But the snow just was not good snowman making snow. So we ran around in the snow and threw snow and snowballs at each other. After a bit Lillian said she wanted to go inside for more snow cream. She had fun in the snow - for a very short time. But I think she really liked the snow because she could make and eat snow cream, take her clothes off several times a day (without anyone telling her to keep them on) and that Daddy stayed home and played with us. If she ever goes skiing, she will be the one sitting in the lodge drinking hot chocolate sitting by the fire while everyone else is outside trying not to break their legs.

Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow!

As was predicted, it snowed today. It started snowing sometime between 2:00 - 5:30 am and as of 10:45 am, it is still coming down. So far it appears to be around 4 -5 inches. Lillian thought the snow was silly because it was on the cars and bushes. She said she wanted to go out in but she did not care for the preparation to go out. I had left her boots on the back porch so they were covered in snow so to keep her feet dry, we put plastic storage bags over her socks. This did not please Lillian. But once we were all bundled up we headed outside.

Lillian ran right into the snow and made snow angels, shoveled snow and even went on her play set. She started to get cold and then just sat in the snow and said that she was cold and was not going to have any fun. She just wanted to go inside and eat snow cream. So we trudged back in the house (after only 20 minutes in the snow). I don't think she will be moving up north when she is an adult. She was fussing about being cold so we put her in a warm bath. After her bath she got to put on some warm clothes straight from the dryer so they were nice and warm. Daddy was already making the snow cream and Lillian jumped in to help. Needless to say I think the snow cream was her favorite part of the snow! We are going to try and take her back out in the afternoon.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Last Comic Bathing

Joe is in training at the local Improv theatre and he likes to practice at home. Lillian has heard the 185 joke many times and now she comes up with her own.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Yellow Gum Chewer

this is what happens when you try to do chores and Lillian occupies herself

exhibit 1:
We were playing Martha the Talking Dog as I was emptying the dishwasher before we left the house. Lillian kept asking me if Martha was yellow. When I found her she had a piece of yellow chalk in one hand and was coloring herself yellow so she could be Martha.

exhibit 2:
This morning Lillian asked if she could have some gum after she ate her breakfast. I said sure and she went to get the package. I saw her put one piece in her mouth and walked out of the room. When I came back her mouth looked strange. I asked her to open her mouth and I saw lots of gum. I asked her how many pieces she put in her mouth she said ten but I only found five wrappers.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A star is born

We went to the local children's puppet theatre for New Year's Eve. At one point during the show, the children were asked to be part of the show. We encouraged Lillian to go up on the stage but she did not want to. After she saw several other children go up and get in costumes, the girls were princesses, Lillian decided to go up. Mommy and Daddy were pretty sure as soon as the two puppeteers turned to her to give her a costume she would bolt but she did not. Lillian let them put on her costume, a purple tutu and a pink tiara, and listened to the directions. She did get a little bored after a bit and came off the stage. When the participation part was over, she climbed back on stage and gave the costume back. At the end of the show she even gave Ms. Polly a hug.

The puppet show shares space with the comedy club that Joe is a part of. The stage she was on was the same one she wanted to dance around at the club's holiday party she attended. She hears Joe and I play practice some of the games and has started to join in. Just tonight she was playing the 185 joke game: 185 [blanks] walk into a bar and the bartender says we can't serve you [blanks] here. And the 185 blanks say [insert punchline}.

We do fear/believe/hope/encourage that she has a fondness for the stage!