Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Random Lillian

This morning on the way to gymnastics, Lillian started singing Jingle Bells. Over and over and over again. Not sure where she got the idea to sign that song but we did spend A LOT of time in the toy section at T*rget this morning after I voted. I asked her if she saw anything she wanted for Christmas and she said, "No. I just going to play with them here." Do we have her trained or what - toys stay at the toy store! She did see some dolls from the movie Grease the other day and sort of fell in love with them. The dolls played music from the movie and we have had to talk about them since Sunday. We were talking about the Sandy doll and I said I wonder if they made a Danny doll to go with the Sandy doll and Lillian said, "That Danny is in the boy toy store. Only girls in the girl toy store."

I was not able to get her to duplicate the concert she gave in the car but I did get her on the potty singing it:

In her bathrobe getting ready to start her day on Saturday that included a trip to see the Raleigh Dance Theatre:not sure what happened to this picture

Enjoying some early eggnog holiday drinking: