You might have noticed that I have typed "Lillian" rather than "Lilly." No typos - our Lilly now goes by Lillian. She has been calling herself that for awhile when she would see pictures of herself but now when she refers to herself (as in "Mommy/Daddy help Lillian," "Lillian help Mommy with dishes," "Cookie man smiled at Lillian," or "Dogs talking to Lillian.") Which is very strange because we have not called her Lillian that much but she knows it is part of her name so she is now Lillian. And yes she really does talk in sentences now!
A few weeks ago I found her playing in the hallway saying "Lillian is gorgeous I know it." I'm sure we have said that to her before but not that I can remember. Of course when I got the camera out she would not say it without me asking her the question. the video is very dark and hard to see but here it is:
Lillian has been making many strides in the Big Girl department. She now can sit at the table in a big person chair and eat and can even drink out of a big girl cup. Lillian even has her very own coffee cup she drinks her milk out of. Of course she does spill the drinks but is very controlled and says "slow sips" when we give her the cup. She does not like the rule about having to drink from the big girl cup in the kitchen. Lillian likes to walk around with her morning milk. Lillian is also eating off real plates as well. And when she is finished with her plate, she will sometimes hand it to me.
Lillian has her "please," "thank you's," and "you're welcomes" down as well. Although lately we have had to remind her to say them which can lead to a bit of a struggle as she likes to demand things NOW. The demands usually involve food such as "I want banana NOW!" and we make her say "please" before she is allowed to have the requested item. She also has quite a bossy streak going on too. She loves to tell you what to do or not to do. Most of that revolves around the cleaning and upkeep of said toddler like brushing teeth, wiping hands, combing hair, getting dressed.
Last year Lillian had a photo shoot for a local organic children's clothing company. We got a free glossy photo and a pair of socks and didn't think much of it. This afternoon I decided I wanted to buy a dress that I have had my eye on since them so I hopped on their website. I was trying to figure out the differences in the toddler and infant sizes when what do I see but a picture of Lilly from the shoot. As I started to scan through the site, I discovered that she appears three times in two different outfits. I am not sure when the pictures were posted as I have visited the sited previous times and did not see them. You can see for yourself: she is in the infant section under the sizing information, the chemise information (second form the left) and, the cardigan information .
In more Big Girl news, Lillian has completed her potty chart.
Lillian has hit the terrible two's already. Someone told me with her children the months 17-22 were the worst so I hope she ends her reign of terror soon. It can make for very long days. This year the time change seems to have affected her as the last few days have been very hard but she had a good day today along with a 2.5 hour nap that I had to wake her up from. Since Sunday she has only napped for an hour a day. Whenever she has a nice long nap and she is in a good mood, I remind her that naps make her feel better and we can play and have more fun.