So Tuesday morning we skipped out on playgroup and headed up to Roxboro to see the bears. Lilly was excited to get in the car but as we got closer she grew tired of being in the car which led to some whining and having to pull over and find whatever toy she was screaming for. She kept throwing them saying "I throw (insert name of toy here) in car." I decided two rounds of this game was enough and she quickly flew into a rage. But once she heard me say that I could see the library, she got quiet and started looking out the window.
When the bears came out, Lilly quickly announced that she wanted to be picked up and did not want to get down. So all the pictures I took of Lilly and the bears are with her hanging off my hip, leaning ever so slightly in the direction of the bears:
She eagerly wanted down so she could hug the scarecrows that were in the library:
After about 15 minutes, the bears had to leave so they could get their snack. Lilly heard snack and wanted some of her own. So she got to eat her snack in the car driving to Durham to stop by the mall and have lunch with Daddy. Lilly quickly fell asleep in the car on our way back home:
So to recap our Tuesday, we missed our weekly playtime with friends so we could drive for 1.5 hours (one-way) to spend approximately 15 minutes with two of the Berenstain Bears, eat a mall lunch and fall asleep in the car. But when you hear Lilly talk about it- "I touch Brother's hand" and "I saw Sister at library" it makes it all worthwhile.