Tuesday, May 25 was the Lillian's last day of preschool for the year. As a thank you to the teachers, we made a green tea cookies for them and wrote some quick thank you notes. Lillian decorated the cookie bags and drew a picture to go on her note cards and wrote each teacher's name on the envelope. She got really tired doing this and got sloppy with the writing.
Her class was having a picnic and parents were invited to come. Even Granny got to come with us! The kids all helped make the food : ham & cheese or PB&J sandwiches, carrots, cucumbers, pretzels and punch. The next day was a classmates birthday so there were even some cute cupcakes.
The teachers had buckets for each child loaded with goodies. Lillian's had a book, a bubble wand, a bug place mat and an adorable ladybug hand print wall hanging.
Lillian eating lunch with her bestie Lily:
Lillian and her teachers, Miss Starr:
and Mrs. Bacchi:
and Miss Vivian, the school director:
After eating, Joe started blowing bubbles and mayhem ensued:
Lillian and Faith taking a break to eat a cupcake:
Posing on a bench in the front of school:
Being the last day, I made Lillian pose for a picture before leaving for school. Don't let the pictures fool you, she was not that excited about school being over! Each day since then, she asks me if it is a school day. Luckily summer camp starts next week!