Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lunch Bunch

Lillian's preschool starts Lunch Bunch on Thursday. Each Thursday Lillian will get to stay 45 minutes later because she will be eating lunch at school! Another great thing about MUMPS is that the lunch bunch is already factored in to the tuition; many school you pay extra! This is a pretty major thing; she has a snack at school but this will be the first time she will eating a meal away from us (other than with family on occasional babysitting jaunts).

I ordered her a lunch bag and it came just in time! It is pink (her FAVORITE) and there is a butterfly on it. I had some letters left over from her backpack so I went ahead and monogrammed it (the company will only allow you 3 letters in a monogram!)

When I showed it to Lillian she was super excited and went and filled it up with lunch:

two Spicy V8 drinks
lots of cheese (string and sliced)
an orange
two cups of yogurt

I hope she is hungry!