Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Activist
The other day we were rolling down the road, the same road we travel on about four times a day, and had to stop at a stoplight. Beside the stoplight are a few fast-food joints. Lillian looked out the window and asked, "What's that building there?" When I asked her to clarify which building she said, "The one with the orange roof." It was a fast-food chain that sells chicken and biscuits. Not wanting her to know the name I just said it was a place that sells greasy chicken and biscuits. After a few back and forths of "Why do they sell greasy food?" and "Why do people eat it?" Each time I told her that the food was not very healthy and we like to eat healthy foods so we can play and be happy. After trying to convince me that "Me and daddy like grease on our foods", I told her that we do not eat there. This is how Lillian summed up the conversation - "I will call them and tell them not to put grease on the foods. Will that be kind?"