Monday, February 2, 2009

Gotta Go

Lillian still sleeps in a crib; a crib that has a locking door that she figured out how to kick open. When we talk about a big girl bed, she says that she likes her crib. She sleeps well in it (most of the time) so we are moving very slowly on the issue. Mommy and daddy still like the idea that she is contained in her bed and not able to roam the house during the night.

Over the weekend, we had a babysitter, Miss Cindy, so we could go out to the movies. When we got home the Miss Cindy asked us if Lillian is allowed/knows how to get of the crib. We said yes, she kicks at the lock to open it (which she has not done in a couple of months). Miss Cindy said around 8:30 pm she could hear Lillian calling for her but was trying to ignore it and see if she would go back to sleep. When she got up to see about Lillian, she found the bedroom door and the crib door opened and no Lillian. Miss Cindy called for Lillian and Lillian was found in the bathroom (with the lights still off) sitting on the potty. Lillian said she had to go poop and Miss Cindy would not come.

This is the first time she has woken up/gotten up after being tucked in to use the bathroom. We have lots of "I have to go potty" stops as she is being tucked in but not once she is down. Miss Cindy said she would tell us what a big girl she was and we would be so happy.