It was can day so the admission was only 4 canned goods for me. And we took the park and ride shuttle bus service this time. Lillian and I got in for only $7 total (she is still free for both fair admission and shuttle admission.) Her main goal was to ride more rides; mine was to go a frozen banana.
Lillian was a bit unsure of the bus ride and refused to sit in her own seat; she had to sit on me, which was fine. She ate a cereal bar and an apple while waiting for the bus to leave. We pretended that it was just another ride on the way to the fair. As soon as we got inside the fair gates, she was ready for the rides. She wanted to ride the swings again and we rode the teacups twice. The second ride on the teacups was by chance.
Any trip to the fair must involve the petting zoo so we ended up there with a bag of carrots again. She really loves the animals. There were some older children there afraid of the animals and Lillian kept asking me what they were screaming for. We also stopped by the rabbit hutch which we did not get to see on the first day and Lillian walked around blowing kisses in the air at all the rabbits.
We visited the old mill which we did not see on the family fair day and Lillian ate both of the hush puppy sample we were given. We toured the old time village and she requested to stop by the blacksmith shop to watch the demonstration - something her daddy likes to do. We toured quickly through the gardens until she started to climb in the gardens and demanding to go to the Field of Dreams.
On our way there, I saw a vendor selling frozen bananas and had to get one. Lillian did not want it at first but quickly changed her mind when she saw the banana dipped in chocolate and rolled in nuts. We shared it until she wanted to sit down. We went inside an exhibit where there were Christmas trees on display. As soon as we sat down, she wanted to hold the banana. In other words, the banana was now hers. After she finished eating the banana, we looked at the Christmas trees and Lillian tried to touch every single fake cardinal that was on display.
Then we made it to the Field of Dreams where she promptly had 3 hissy fits. The first one was when I was not carry her through the maze. The second one happened when she got caught going through the crops rather than walking on the sidewalk (I think we might have a farmer on our hands here) and I had to pick her up. The last one happened just as it did on Friday and last year. She does not like having to hand over her basket of picked fruit to receive her money. She knows at the end she will get a bag with an apple and peanuts but is not willing to part with her crops in order to receive that bag. It also happened to be past her nap time so we went and sat down for a spell while she ate her peanuts. We were sitting down on some hay bales and two guys stopped and said they were leaving and handed us their unused ride tickets. The tickets were just enough to get us back on the teacups. Moments before this encounter, Lillian had been asking to ride again. I told her we did not have any more tickets, she send, "Then we need to get some." And then I told her we did not have any money left (we did) she said, "The we need some more." So we headed for the teacups once again.
After that it was time to go. While we waited for the bus ride, we passed some port-a-potties. She asked what they were and I told her. We went inside and she actually used it! I was sure she would not because she was very interested in the blue water at the bottom. If there is ANYTHING in the potty, she normally will not go but she did here. I was glad because we had visited to potty three times before heading out and each time she would not go but I knew she had to. The sound of the LOUD hand dryers in the bathroom startles her and she did not want to be in the bathroom.
While we waited she ate an apple and a couple that was on the original bus with us asked if that was the same apple she was eating in the morning. I said not that this was her second, they laughed and thought it was funny that she preferred an apple over all the junk food.
I thought Lillian did real well and walked about 50% of the time. We did have a few times where she fell on the ground because she did not want to walk any more but for the most part was great.