It was bound to happen that she would turn the tables on me. And she did the other day at lunch. She requested a bologna and cheese sandwich, so I made her one. She then took all the bologna off (she likes to disassemble her sandwiches this way.) She then tried to give the bologna to me. I told her to just put it on the table (I had already touched it once to make the sandwich and REALLY did not want to touch it again!). Lillian then started on the Sam I Am lingo. I tried pretending to take a bite but she knew I was faking. I then told her that I tried bologna before and did not like it. She just kept saying, "Dr. Seuss creature, take a bite. You might like it."
She finally stopped when I told her I did not eat meat and got up and threw the bologna away. I just hope she does not start using that excuse to get out of trying new foods. She did try popcorn shrimp last night and LOVED it. Well she loved the homemade tartar sauce (evidenced by her eating it by the spoonfuls) and the shrimp. She started popping the shrimp out of the coating, eating the shrimp and leaving the coating behind. I thought that was funny because when I would eat popcorn shrimp, I really did not want the shrimp, just the coating.