Wednesday, June 4, 2008
What being a parent makes you do
You know you are a parent when your child has determined that her baby dolls have messy diapers and she needs to change them. After helping her wipe each dolls bottom several times and hoping that she will now let you start cooking dinner, you notice she is still concerned that she needs to wipe a baby's bottom. The you realize that she is referring to you as the baby and she needs to wipe your bottom. You lean down to confirm that she is referring to you and she tells you, "Get on floor Mommy, lay down." So Mommy gets on the kitchen floor and lets child "wipe your messy bottom." She announces that I am all clean and now I have to wipe her bottom. Just so you know, we did keep our clothes on during this cleaning session and then went and played on the play set. This is one experience I never imagined myself having!