As usual we headed over to the fairgrounds for the annual NC State Fair. We thought Monday would be a slow day attendance-wise so Joe took that day off. We ran into one of Joe's Aunts and his cousins and her two daughters. It was however NOT fair weather - jeans and sweatshirts should be worm to the fair not shorts and t-shirts. Lilly did wear at sweatshirt for the morning - we were there right at 9:00 am. It was nice that early with the vendors still setting up and Lilly had the chance to run around before the crowds came.
We hunted all over to find the petting zoo - it was not where the map said it was but it was worthwhile once we got there. Lilly fed the goats carrot chips and got to touch a cow, camel and a llama.
Of course when she saw the pony rides, she wanted to ride one so we let her.
We went through the Field of Dreams where the kids get a basket and can "pick" an apple, a cucumber and a strawberry to carry around. At the end of the trip, the kids are supposed to hand the basket over to be weighed and then receive money for their goods which they can take into the grocery store and buy an apple. Only problem was that Lilly did not want to give her basket up and would not take the money. When we pried the basket from her grip, she promptly fell on the floor and had a fit. An older man working this part of the exhibit asked who she got that behavior from. I said I did not know - I certainly never act that way!
W thought we could get away with just carrying Lilly or letting her walk but that was not the case. Now last year that was no problem - Joe and I traded who go to wear Lilly on the sling and off we went. We could put her down and she couldn't;t run off as she was not crawling yet. She was a bit tired when we arrived ans was clingy much of the time. She didn't like walking with all the people around (and we weren't that comfortable with that idea ourselves) and so we opted to fork over $8 to rent one of the strollers for the day. It worked great - when we could get Lilly in it. She would want to get out to see something and then we had to fight to get her back in. The majority of the time I ended up holding her. That makes for a VERY LONG day carrying a 23 pound toddler around for 5 hours.
This year Lilly got to eat fair food - she had no teeth during last year's fair. We brought along her usual staple meal for going out - PB&J, veggie and fruit booty. With much coaxing from Daddy, she ate some of it but there was too much to do for her to sit still and eat. Joe got his usual turkey keg - Lilly chewed some of it and then pulled it out of her mouth for us to hold. She did however enjoy the strawberry ice cream for the NC State Vet school, Mommy's frozen banana (I gave her a bite and she refused to let go), fudge sample, hush puppies (she went through the mill tour twice to get hush puppies) and caramel apple. She also enjoyed her apple from the Field of Dreams once she saw Mommy eating it and ripped it away mid-bite.
We all had a grand time and Lilly fell asleep in my arms as we were walking to the car. She saw alot of things but by far her favorite was the giant ostrich over one of the food vendors. She saw that when we first arrived and all day kept asking to go see the ostrich again. She still talks about it as if she saw it today.