Friday, August 10, 2007

It's Potty Time

Today Lilly used the potty for the first time! We were walking back to her room to change her diaper and she stopped in the bathroom, when over to the toilet and said "sit." I asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty and she said "yes." So up she went. She tried to squirm off right away but I had reinforcements - her cup of soymilk from lunch and a bunny rabbit she had been carrying around. We sat and sang songs and then I heard it. I asked her is she went pee pee and she screamed "pee pee!" I started clapping and she was laughing and out came more pee pee. She then took her bunny and said "bunny smell" as she tried to cram it into the toilet. Luckily bunny did not get wet. I heard a few more tinkles and then a tiny plop. She also made a little poop nugget. Once she realized she had pooped, she wanted off the potty. I took her off the potty, she grabbed way too much toilet paper threw it in the potty and flushed. She looked at me and said "mommy clap." So mommy clapped.

Here are the pictures - yes I took pictures of her on the potty. I will spare you the picture of what was inside the toilet.

On a side note - we went to story time at the mall today and when it was over, we read some books on using the potty. One book had a lovely drawing of a toilet with poop in it. I asked Lilly what was in the potty and she said "ice cream." I'm not sure what ice cream she has been eating but it did have that nice swirl effect of an ice cream cone!