Lilly had her 15 month check-up today and she has finally surpassed the 25% for height and weight! She weighed in at 21 lbs. and 7 oz. (30%) and was 30 in. (40%) long. Interesting comment from the doctor: Dr. Willey asked if she says any words that we can recognize and I said yes, she says several. Dr. Willey said at this age most children say between 3-5 words. I said that Lilly must have 10-15 words that she says. The doctor went on to say that she has found that children who seem to develop the gross motor skills (crawling, walking) not as fast as other children usually develop their verbal skills earlier. That is true in Lilly's case, although she has not been late in any of her development.
When I got home, I started writing down the words that Lilly says and came up with these:
mama, dada, baby, DeeDee (her baby doll), cat, hat, no, almost, please, all gone, bye, mouse, house, knee, eyes, toe, bubble (her first word at 12 months), hot, cold, go, side (to go outside), bird, pat, poo (she even lets us know when she has gone), shoe, car, chair, stick, stack, bus, nose, tree, book, hi, hop, more, nice, elbow, comb, close, kiss, keys, door, ice, mess, coosh (her word for squirrel), ba (banana), breast, cheese, okay, eat, gasses (glasses), bybys (her word for butterflies), ball, and bath!
Of course she does not say these every day but she says them enough that we know and she knows what she is talking about!
Lilly is also trying her hand at walking on her own now. She still is wobbly sometimes and if she falls, she hasn't figured out how to get back up without holding onto something but she is real good about turning around. She seems to need commands to walk such as, "Lilly walk to the coffee table", but I know it won't be long before she takes off on her own!