Friday, April 30, 2010

Mommy's Wipe Out

Potty talk for those with sensitive tummies.

We have been having a battle with Lillian wiping herself after she has a bowel movement. She did this task by herself months ago and was very pleased with herself and then she stopped. Not a big deal I thought, she'll get it. But lately when I have asked her to do it, she will get angry. 

So lately we have been taking turns wiping. I wipe once, then she wipes and so on. This morning she called me in the bathroom and told me that some days are Lillian wipe days and some days are mommy wipe days. I know she can do this herself so I said that I needed to check the calendar to see what day it was. I had my cell phone on me so I opened up the calendar and typed "Lillian wipe day." 

Lillian asked for the phone and I gave it to her. She asked me to spell my name so I told her the letters. Then she showed me the phone:

She had typed "mommy" on the calendar so it was mommy's turn to wipe. "That's what the calendar says so do it," she called out in a sing-song voice. I wiped once and then left the bathroom so I would not laugh in front of her. She proceeded to wipe herself and even got a chocolate for it.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Note from school

General Silliness

Off to school

When I asked Lillian how she wanted to wear her hair today, she repsonded with "one braid and one pigtail." So that is what she got.

She also dressed herself this morning, as she does almost everyday now. She said she was wearing tights because the dress is a bit short.

We also found a piece of a bird egg under the birdhouse so she is bringing that to school to show Miss Pam in the discovery science class.

It was also time for her class to make lunch for the teachers so we made some green tea shortbread cookies.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Lillian The Animal Rescuer

At dinner Lillian noticed a bird hanging from the tree off of our deck. Joe went out to see about it and a robin had one of its legs wrapped around some string and was dangling from a branch. Joe cut the string off and noticed that the leg was broken. So off to our vet office where they inform Joe which emergency vet to take the bird to for rehab. Joe said the bird fall asleep in his hand on the drive and woke up and started pecking his hand when Joe handed over the the rehab vet people. Yay Lillian! Kinda reminds me of our college days when Joe and I rescued a nest of baby birds. Way to go Lillian! Wish we would have gotten a picture of the bird though.

Favorite Things Friday

Today we did some of Lillian's favorite activities - went to storytime (outside), dressed up as a ladybug, had a picnic, watched wildlife (squirrels, birds, bees, butterflies, dragonflies and even a chipmunk) and ran around the Raleigh Rose Garden.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

All good parties end in tears

This evening a local shopping center kicked off its Thursday night beach music concert series. And like all things close, family friendly and free, we were there. And so was the fast-food restaurant cow. And our friends Lily and Rory (and their parents too).

 The band started playing the girls started dancing. And hugging. And rolling on the mats the center so lovingly put out for the kids to have their own little kiddie mosh pit. And squealing. And bumping into people and falling down. Making new friends.

It was all fun until one fall too many and tears were shed, feelings were hurt and sorry's were attempted. Perhaps next time we won't try to pick up our friends. Lillian and Lily had been taking turns picking each other up and getting a bit physical. Nothing malicious just two active four year-olds having a blast.