Potty talk for those with sensitive tummies.
We have been having a battle with Lillian wiping herself after she has a bowel movement. She did this task by herself months ago and was very pleased with herself and then she stopped. Not a big deal I thought, she'll get it. But lately when I have asked her to do it, she will get angry.
So lately we have been taking turns wiping. I wipe once, then she wipes and so on. This morning she called me in the bathroom and told me that some days are Lillian wipe days and some days are mommy wipe days. I know she can do this herself so I said that I needed to check the calendar to see what day it was. I had my cell phone on me so I opened up the calendar and typed "Lillian wipe day."
Lillian asked for the phone and I gave it to her. She asked me to spell my name so I told her the letters. Then she showed me the phone: