For awhile now, I have told Lilly that babies grow inside their mommies bellies. There are a couple pictures she has seen of me pregnant with her and I tell her that she was inside my belly. She also likes to look at our wedding pictures and she will say "Mommy and Daddy getting married." One day when she was looking at a wedding picture and when I asked her what mommy and daddy were doing, she said, "Getting pregnant."
Lately we seem to be surrounded by pregnant women. Two of our story time ladies are pregnant and a couple of moms in our playgroup have had their second babies. At least once a week, Lilly will announce, "I used to fit on mommy's belly then I pop out!" If only it was THAT EASY!!
Today we were in a store in the baby section and she was looking at the infant swings. I told her the swings were for babies and she used to have one. Lilly said, "i be in swing when I am little baby crying." We kept walking and then she stopped in front of some infant seats and said "I get baby in belly when I get married in a day." I'm not sure what plans she may have for the rest of the week but mine certainly does not include her getting married and having a baby.