Thursday, March 29, 2007

You can't take that away from Lilly

Lilly does not like you to take things from her unless she is ready to give them up. This is what happens when you do:

Imagine how funny it is when it happens in public!

Up from a nap

Lilly has a ritual after she wakes up from her naps. First she hands over the pacifier and then proceeds to play with the stuffed animals in her crib. You ask for an animal and she hands it you and you have to kiss it and give it back to her. Most of the time, the animals end up getting thrown out of the crib while Lilly laughs. When you try to get Lilly put of the crib, she plops herself down and says "No, no, no." If you try and pick her before she is ready, she kicks and starts to cry. You can easily spend 20 minutes waiting for her to decide it is time to get out of the crib. All this from a child who would cry anytime we attempted to place her in the crib.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The carrots win!

Yes, the daughter of a vegetarian WILL eat a vegetable. It is amazing what a little butter, cinnamon, sugar and salt will do to a carrot. Of course this was after discovering I had to hold the carrot for her - she would not eat it if it was cut up or on her fork. Lilly ate THREE mini carrots today! That's more vegetables than she has eaten in a whole week! I had to take a picture so daddy would beleive it.

Off the table Elsie!

One of our cats, Elsie, has a bad habit of getting on the table when there is food around. Lilly has made herself Guardian of the Table and it is her duty to keep unwanted visits by the cats to a minimum.

A translation for those who do not speak Lilly English - Lilly is saying DOWN to Elsie. The rest I can't print - too vulgar. Don't be fooled, Elsie does not get off the table; she comes around to the other side to try and eat the fish that Lilly would not eat!

Lilly pushing her stroller

The Purple Burp

In case you did not know, Lilly's favorite color is purple. Apparently she didn't think she had enough purple on already with her purple shirt and pants, she decided to add a bit of purple to her face at dinner time.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Bon Appetit!

Lilly enjoys eating solid food. We have a hard time getting vegetables, other than a sweet potoato, down her gullet but she loves fruit.

A food combo everyone should try - gucamole, eggs and yogurt mixed together:
Her new favorite fruit - the strawberry:
Lilly has also discovered that any meat she does not want, the cats will eat. And by cats I mean Elsie; the other two are too scared to get that close to Lilly!

Second Eruption of Mt. Lilly Gum

Lilly has TWO teeth now, both on the top.

If she doesn't get anymore by Easter, we might have to dress her up like the Easter Bunny!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Busy Day

Our playgroup met at a local toy store to see a clown perform. Luckily the clown did not dress up like a clown - she just played silly songs on her hot pink guitar. Lilly clapped along for awhile and then found other things to do.
After that, we went to a local park for a picnic lunch. I guess Lilly was jealous that we did not bring our stroller to the park because she seemed very interested in her friends strollers.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Lilly's Favorite Time of Day

is when Daddy comes home! She can't wait for him to come into the house.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Lilly - Her First Year Month by Month

Lilly is subjected to sitting next to Picture Bear each month for a photo. It is getting harder and harder to keep her still to snap the picture now.

Yes, we know she has the same outfit on 2 months in a row!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Brusha Brusha

Lilly is already concerned with good dental hygiene. She has had this vibrating gum massager/toothbrush for awhile, but now she has a reason to use it.
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Mt. Lilly Gum is Erupting!

It's happening - Lilly has a tooth! We noticed the tooth at lunch when the metal spoon seemed to be catching on something on her top gum. When Daddy got home, we hung her upside down to take a look. And sure enough, there is was. Not one to follow the norm, Lilly's first tooth is the top right. Just a tiny bit poking out right now and a thin white line right next to it.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Big Girl Car Seat

Lilly has now graduated to a big girl car seat. She is still not heavy enough to face forward but the infant seat was getting a bit cramped. No worries about her not liking the new seat as evidence by the picture. Just to prove how I keep saying that Lilly is crafty, it only took her 5 minutes to figure how to take off the padded cushions on the straps (they are only held on with velcro).